Secure access to other machines

No one likes passwords. End there is way to access remote machine without entering your credentials ever again. How?

 user@machine1 $ ssh-keygen  # generates key pare

 user@machine1 $ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ # copies public key to a remote machine

Repeat the same on the second machine

 user@machine2 $ ssh-keygen  # generates key pare

 user@machine2 $ ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ # copies public key to a remote machine

And magic happens - ain’t passwords asked:

user@machine2 $ ssh user@machine1
user@machine1 $

X over SSH

Don’t you want a nice GUI over SSH

Add the following line to /etc/ssh/ssh_config

 ForwardX11 yes

Restart sshd

systemctl restart ssh

And then log into remote machine:

ssh -X user@machine1

And if everything is right you might be lucky enough to run a graphic application.